Demographic Append

View Top Ten Demographics
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Demographic Append:

Append the highest quality lifestyle indicators to your client lists.
What are their interests and traits?
What is their buying power?

CSS uses the largest, highest-quality information resources in the industry, enabling you to leverage information that is fresh, accurate and unique for your marketing efforts.

Our information resources give you the ability to target audiences and shape your marketing strategies more effectively, offering insight into behaviors, attitudes and tastes of individuals and customer segments.

CSS has demographic data for more than 215 million people; CSS has the most comprehensive primary data resource in the world. Find customers or prospects based on the hobbies and interests of each individual, with the largest self-reported lifestyle database in the industry.

CSS Direct: Top Ten Demographics!

Age, Income, Length of Residency, Marital Status, Homeowner, Recipient reliability, Presence of Children, Household Composition, Ethnic market

CSS Direct: Other Available Demographics

Top Ten plus: Census information, occupation, mail order buyer, mail responder, presence of credit card, Dwelling unit type, Dwelling unit size, Home business, occupation, computer owner, and Mail Order Responders "MOR" bank (interests)

CSS Direct: Profile

Find out who your customers really are.
What makes the good lead good and the GREAT lead GREAT?
Determine the difference between success and failure before the call.