
Phone Append
Phone Verify
Business Telephone Append
Reverse Telephone Append
Email Append
Email Change of Address
Database Hygiene
Demographic Append and Customer Profile
Subscriber / Non-Subscriber Aquisition

Phone Append is designed to append the most current available phone numbers to your database. Your database may consist of your customer list, an outside list purchased to find your customers, or a list created for use in a telemarketing program. Although primarily designed to enhance your database with phone numbers, can also append demographic information. Age, income, ethnicity, presence of children, etc., may be appended to your records for a target marketing program.

We strive to append phone numbers to all records in your database but movers and imperfections in both your database as well as ours prevent this. Normal match rates may vary between 50 percent and 70 percent. To provide you with more phone numbers we go to great lengths to enhance addresses, upgrade our matching software, build phone preference suppression files, and update our universal databases with the most current phone numbers available.

Phone Verify

Verify existing phone numbers by using Keep you phone numbers up-to-date. CSS changes on average 20 to 25 percent of the phone numbers submitted for verification. Connect to your customers and prospects and gain a larger return on each call.

Business Telephone Append

Match your Business records against 14.5 million business listings. Compiled with data received through exclusive partnerships, yellow pages, white-page business listings and telco-verified sources.

Reverse Telephone Append

The Reverse Telehone Append Program appends the most current name and address to you telephone number. CSS matches against four databases with over 140 million unique telephone numbers. The reverse telephone append can also provide demographic information. Age, income, ethnicity, presence of children, etc., may be appended to your records for a target marketing campaign.

Email Append

The most cost effective solution for connecting with your customers online. Match your offline database against 340 million email addresses. Match up to 25% of your records. 84% of the appended email addresses will be from paid Internet Services Providers (ISP) ... Not Yahoo, Hotmail, or any other of the approximately 1400 free email services available online. By using these addresses the open rate on the permission pass will be in the 20-24% range. Market to customers via email with permission and see greater results.

Email Change of Address (ECOA)

Reconnect with your email customers. Update your lost email addresses with the most current address available. CSS matches your file of undeliverable or bounced email addresses against the ECOA database of changed and alternate email addresses. The matched emails are current and have documented permissions to reconnect with these lost customers.

Database Hygiene

Keeping a database up-to-date in this ever-transient country requires CSS Direct's Database Hygiene Programs. Process files against National Change of Address (NCOA), Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS), Electronic Line of Travel (ELOT) or Delivery Sequence file (DSF) to your files.

NCOA updates mailing lists with the latest change of address data from the United States Postal Service.

LACS converts rural route addresses to new city style addresses usually as a result of 9-1-1 converstions.

ELOT provides sequence numbers for saturation mailings.

DSF validates addresses in your database by comparing your addresses to every deliverable address in the U.S.A. as provided by the United States Postal Service.

Demographic Append and Customer Profiling

CSS has demographic data for more than 215 million people. CSS has the most comprehensive pirmary data resource in the world. Find customers or prospects based on the hobbies and interests of each individual, with the largest self-reported lifestyle database int he industry.

CSS uses the largest, highest-quality information resources in the industry, enabling you to use information that is fresh, accurate, and unique for your marketing efforts.

Our demographic information gives you the ability to target your customer or prospect markets based upon behaviors, attitudes, and traits.

Top Demographic elements include age, length of residence, homeowners, ethnicity, sex, income, marital status, household composition and families with children.

Subscriber and Non-Sub Aquisition

Adding New Subscribers? Cross-selling to Existing Subscribers? Superior results requires the best databases and the most detailed of algorithms. CSS has achieved excellent success using 3 different methods (Non-Subscriber Match, Subscriber & Non-Subscriber Match, and Subscriber Only Match) depending on your marketing objectives. All were created with accuracy, quantity, and value in mind. Match names and phones to non-subscribers. Create additional leads for subscriber base. Profile your customers to target additional leads.